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#12750667 Quote
Morten K


Hi Felix,

The search mechanism doesn’t use the NTFS index actually. It creates a new local index in memory, every time the app is started. You can search for any part or combinations of a path and filename, but it doesn’t search inside text files for example. If I remember right, the app Everything can search inside files. I deliberately did not include this feature, as it gives too many results, and mostly false-positives really. Hence why it searches exclusively on file name, extension and path.

By the way, it’s a kind of fuzzy search, so you don’t have to be exact when searching for file names. For example searching “pdf receipt”, will find any file with receipt and pdf somewhere in the file name, extension or folder names. So it will find and show PDF files in a \Receipt folder, as well as it will find/show “Laptop receipt.pdf” in whatever folder.

As for the license, I guess the license terms on the site is a bit unclear. But basically you can install it on all your PC’s and on a USB stick. You just can’t install it / copy it to computers that aren’t yours.

Thanks for trying it out!
