Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016 Reply To: Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016

#5690857 Quote

Every now and then comes something interesting available on SoS, but this time all did not go well.
“Download size is 86 MB to 92 MB”? No, it’s more like 2MB only and it’s not made by Paragon Software.
I clicked a long bar clearly indicating “DOWNLOAD PARAGON BACKUP & RECOVERY 16 NOW”, but for some weird reason I’m served with something completely different. I did not click anything indicating “download this first/instead of what you want” and I’m not going to install anything offered in false pretense like this.

I can make a wild guess that perhaps it’s some sort of “downloader”, but those are already in my black books. There are no good reasons for them and for poor download conditions there are much better choices. If SoS has been starting to use “downloaders”, the site is not going to be any use for me any more.

I’ve been enjoying and trusting SoS for long time and I’m thankful for Ashraf making such effort for bringing us so many great offers. Please, tell me this was just some sort of error instead of being a new feature of SoS! Pretty please?