Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Connectivity Fixer PRO / Jul 21 2020 Reply To: Connectivity Fixer PRO / Jul 21 2020

#16208160 Quote
Peter Blaise

In response to [@Christian] who wrote “… After disabling eset wirewall as suggested it install without problem. @Peter at first I was to agree with you but now as more you write it is more obvious that you are a troll or some sponsored guy. Get a life ,connectivity fixer runs fine and works well as I can see or you got some blotted windows by all your freebie grabs …”

— What did you find that’s not to agree with?

— What “runs fine and works well” did you find for you, what broken ( speaking of “blotted windows” ) did it find and fix, and keep fixed, for you?

Badosoft Connectivity Fixer Pro “runs fine” for me, too, and has for 8 years.

And that’s the point.

Its been 8 years, and the only thing new-ish in 8 years is misbehavior, especially registration delays ( my first attempt to get a license produced nothing, so I tried another email, got an instant license, then the original email request response arrived 14 hours later, doh! ) even on a fresh install of Windows 7 64 Pro on an HP i5 laptop ( clean new install with only Google Chrome browser added before trying Badosoft Connectivity Fixer Pro, I connect wireless and wired, Badosoft Connectivity Fixer Pro v2.2 build 31 for SOS cannot resolve the IP address, and sees only the wired connection, and only offers to switch to … the same wired connection, doh! ).

You tell us:
– can you toggle between different network connections, wired and wireless, in the [ Netinfo ] section?
– can you open more than one instance, can you make multiple instances that no longer know what they are doing?
– have you gotten any [ Logs ] of activity, or any useful information from within the logs?
– if you’re on the Internet already, what do you expect this to do that indicates it “runs fine and works well”?
– have you read other folk’s frustrations getting the offered license?
– have you read other’s frustrations getting a disconnected computer to be connected to the Internet?
– have you read Badosoft’s response here, from the initial equivalent of your “Get a life”, to the subsequent equivalent of “ooops, sorry, yes, contact us with problems, we want to know, and we want to help” ?

All we are offering Badosoft is free feedback, sharing our experience with each other, keeping SOS up to speed as a referential place to go to explore and share about new ( and maybe about 8-year-old ) software.

Plus, as always, alternatives.

You’re welcome.

Play with it, try to break it, give us all something more than “runs fine and works well”, tell us in what ways it “runs fine and works well” for you.

Thanks for exploring this and sharing.

= = = = = = = = = =

Regarding your dismissive “troll” comment, I just did a look-see Google search for [ “peter blaise” site:sharewareonsale.com ] and read 140+ examples of my participation here, and of course try [ “peter blaise” site:giveawayoftheday.com ] too, where we all first met Ashraf before Ashraf started SOS, for 900+ examples of my participation in what I call the “spontaneous beta test community” over the years ( Ashraf has 7,000+ examples at GOTD … is Ashraf a “troll”, too, are we all “trolls” in someone else’s mind? ), especially see [ https ://www. giveawayoftheday. com/connectivity-fixer-pro-11/ ] with 100+ posts from 8 years ago, re-reading it feels so … contemporaneous — it’s all good reading if I do say so myself, and what a delight to see “… Enjoy & Prosper!! Cheers from Italy!! Giovanni …” — thanks for the provocation, [@Christian].