Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Simply Good Pictures 4 / Jun 18 2016 Reply To: Simply Good Pictures 4 / Jun 18 2016

#5123878 Quote

Installed on windows 7, 64 bit no problems. I did do it as “administrator”. On first run the form came up, I flled it in and received the registration email.

My impression of the software:

It seems to do three types of optimization
1. colour
2. brightness
3. sharpness

You can opt to allow the program to do them automatically or you can do them manually. If you do them manually then 2 and 3 seem to be combined into one “slider” labelled “optimization” and the other slider is for the colour. This is just my interpretation of what is happening.

You can compare the “before” and “after” photo at various settings of the slider. There is a “zoom” option so you can compare closeup parts of the two photos. However what is very irritating is that if you move one of the optimization sliders while you’re zoomed in then it zooms out again.

I feel that the optimization is fairly heavy on the colour saturation – so colours become more intense. Also the brightness optimisation seems quite high.

The ouput on the automatic doesn’t suit me, but I think most people would be fairly happy with the results.

Note that I normally use photoshop for my photo proccessing, which is not an option for most people and has a steep learning curve compared to simply good picture.