Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Windows Boot Genius / Nov 12 2016 Reply To: Windows Boot Genius / Nov 12 2016

#6137348 Quote


After I posted last night I noticed the dates of the prior posts referred to an earlier date this year – I believe it was August, 2016. Is there any way I can get back to those earlier posts?

I would like to be able to go back and look and see if others were reporting inabilities to boot their program manufactured recovery disks and USB drives. I do not recall seeing that particular complaint. The questions being asked were regarding the license and the reference to one year subscriptions in your description being different than the conditions listed at checkout. I see that same question is being asked today.

Thus far I have tried to burn the boot media on three USB drives without success. I used two different computers that I had previously changed the BIOS to boot from an external USB drive. Both computers would boot from boot media produced with other recovery programs. If others are successful in producing bootable USB drives I will investigate my BIOS settings further.

I have gotten one out of three CD drives to successfully boot. My try was on the same two computers that I mentioned above. Both computers have previously booted from CDs and USB drives.

As to the included utilities that are part of the “Boot Genius” program; I have seen a little bit more detail in describing what the utilities are supposed to be able to do once my one bootable CD drive was successfully initialized than I was able to discover on the website. The explanations describing the included utilities and how the utilities are supposed to work our still lacking in providing useful information. I would like to know specifically what I can expect out of the program before I try to use it on an unbootable hard drive.

I hope that you will report how to get back to posts that were made regarding prior offers of the same program being currently offered. I would also hope that you get a clear explanation of exactly what the lifetime license means to the developer.