Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Soft Organizer Pro / May 1 2021 Reply To: Soft Organizer Pro / May 1 2021

#17811992 Quote
Peter Blaise

… maybe have all the hidden, buried, nested right-click stuff brought into permanent view with a program view toggle, such as a “simple view” setting versus a “complete program features view” setting that reveals all the hidden stuff and leaves it in view?

A KISS setting versus a PRO setting? ( KISS = Keep It Super Simple )

I appreciate that TOO MUCH in view scares newbies, but hiding everything has it’s compromises, too.

I can’t repeat enough folks, RIGHT-CLICK ON EVERYTHING and look for all the buried, hidden features and benefits within ChemTable Soft Organizer!

I just right-clicked on one of those endless number anonymous program names, and opened the registry view, scrolled and click on it’s name, found the program’s rea name, then right-clicked on the endless anonymous number in the program name in ChemTable Soft Organizer, and it offered to let me rename the program in the list, which I did, manually ( would be nice to offer cut and paste or automatic fixing, but at least I could do this manually ! ).

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Play with it, folks, tell us all what you find.