Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Will your download/install auto-registration EXE run OK later?

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  • #8194542 Reply | Quote
    Sue Long

    Is there a time limit on how long I can install a program after I download it? The one I have right now is recent, with your auto-registration built into the EXE. I’ve put it on my desktop, but my laptop won’t be back from the shop for maybe a week. Will your downloaded EXE still run some time later to install the program on my laptop? Thanks.

    #8195318 Reply | Quote
    Sue Long

    Duh! I have answered my own question by reading the giveaway page again. Sorry. I had been looking at 2-3 websites in tabs and it was one of the others that was not clear on the expiration of the installation period. Thanks, Ashraf. You run a great website.

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