Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Driver Booster 5 PRO / Mar 14 2018 Reply To: Driver Booster 5 PRO / Mar 14 2018

#10642460 Quote
Jim Buchanan

Well, I was hoping to gain a bit on my license. That is I had 143 days left on my license and with 6 extra months, it would have been about 320 days left. But I only got 178. I can’t really complain though be3cause I do get 35 extra days. THat’s what you get when you try to get ahead of the game, I guess.
And BTW, I use to have DriverMax but this one far exceeds what they can do. There is one thing I do that does help a bit. I wait until it is ‘very old’ and in some cases ‘extremely old’ before I actually change the driver. Since I started doing that I have had no problem.
Love the program.