Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion BitLocker Anywhere / Jul 2 2018 Reply To: BitLocker Anywhere / Jul 2 2018

#11595255 Quote

Thank you Ashraf!

I don’t know, this sounds like a really bad idea to me, using a “1 year license only software” to encrypt your system”, after the year is up and you decide you don’t want to buy a new license or the company decides to cease production etc.. etc… etc… Too many things could happened with licensed software.

The problem with encryption is it’s only as good as your unlock key/password/file/etc….

My advice for those wishing to encrypt would be to not encrypt your entire drive, just your important files and keep backups of them in a safe place, ALWAYS keep backups of everything important. I have lost tons of work because of hard drive failures over the years, not anymore, I always backup! And DO NOT RELY ON THE CLOUD! I had a license for 1TB of lifetime backups to this one site that was rated everywhere as credible, I was in the process of changing operating systems and thought “I don’t need to backup these files because they are already in my cloud service”. UH, Worst IDEA EVER, in the short 2-3 span that company shutdown operations and I could no longer get my files back. So, some more advice : “KEEP YOUR OWN BACKUPS” keep them in a safe place, make two backups if you can if it’s that important to where you’d want to encrypt it.

And finally, a lot of people get the impression that people use encryption for backups for notorious purposes. I must say that is not the case at all! In this high tech world that we live in a lot of people use it for various reasons, such as programming code, safe guarding personal document photo’s, and other such things. So you must ask yourself if there is a reason to encrypt your software trusting another’s encryption who claims they can’t access it but they created the software in the first place, or not.

Thanks again Ashraf!