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Thanks, [ Andrea D’Intino ], for your reply, but …
… I looked at the YouTube video ( that pops up locally but won’t play locally ? ), and it appears that your program has absolutely no intelligence about GDPR, or anything that we users consider at risk, data contents wise.
That is, it has no idea how to search file contents and AUTOMATICALLY identify information that would be of a concern to GDPR or to ourselves, or to anyone, personally, professionally, security wise, risk wise, liability wise.
That is, we, the end user, apparently have to tell this program everything that we think we know about GDPR-sensitive information ( … but there is no GDPR reference in the program to teach us what GDPR means to us ), we apparently have to tell this program our own specific character-by-character proper spelling concerns, we apparently tell this program everything that we think we have already told our computer before, and then we apparently have to tell this program to hunt for it, and hope that something good and useful will happen.
That is, if we have ANY file with risky content that we don’t know about, this program will not find it.
That is, this program is stupid ( ignorance is when you don’t know any better, stupid is when you do and you go ahead anyway ).
Sorry, but true.
For example, I have a teenageer who borrowed my computer for homework, and while doing so, created files containing GDPR-sensitive and personally-risky data BUT DID NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT — so how do I tell this program to find it?
For example, I download an email attachment from a friend that has a zipped photo file, and I don’t notice that it also has a data file in the zip file — so how do I tell this program to find it, especially the metadata that the camera created that neither my friend nor I know about?
I now load this program and … this program cannot seek and find that data or the metadata in the photo file that has my friend’s personal private information of when and where they took the photo, let alone the human-readable content of the photo, say, it’s a photo of a check they wrote to me, with bank account numbers and signature in plain sight.
And what about my cloud data on Facebook, public posts on Disqus, Quora, and so on, files I have uploaded anywhere, such as to TinyPic for sharing, Google Photos, MyShoeBox, such as photo files that contain medatada that tell folks when and where I go on vacation, where my home address is, and since I post my exciting vacation photos live as they happen, everyone can now know that I am not at home at the moment, so, burglars, have at it, my house is all yours for the taking!
This program has absolutely no ability on it’s own to find and identify any data, let alone any GDPR-sensitive data, or security risk, or privacy risk, or financial risk, or embarrassment risk, or any risk at all.
Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
— This program is dumb,
— data entry people like me are dumber ( I did not know my camera reveals my location, and the data and time when I was there, especially that I am there now, and not at home ),
— and I would be the dumbest to think that this program will find stuff I don’t know about because I have been lead to believe that this program is smarter then I am — it is not.
Thanks anyway, but your program is inappropriate for it’s intended task.
It’s NRFPTY — Nerf Putty — Not Ready For Prime Time Yet.
Hey, kudos to you, [ Andrea D’Intino ], for designing an incredible resource with such powerful capabilities but … now get started on the really hard part.
AI artificial intelligence, ready to scan and pass / fail any computer, and possibly offer to clean it, at least to identify specifically what’s at risk, so that a human can take your program’s report and take action manually, manually review your program’s interactive report on screen with toggle on / off selections and a “go” button to clean, and or to move to another location, and or to zip / encrypt, and to scrub over the removed data areas with zeros, and to re-check … where your program:
[ 1 ] – works anonymously from a thumb drive, wiping it’s insertion history from the registry upon removal
[ 2 ] – scans every sector / cluster for contents, not just files, but slack and free “erased” areas that still contain passwords, banking numbers, parts of images, image metadata, fragments of personal documents, and so on — and check memory through a reboot cycle to ensure nothing remains in memory.
[ 3 ] – builds a database of computers scanned, where and when, all contents and actions taken and confirmed effective — data moved to where, data erased and confirmed zeroed, and so on — all on a local thumbdrive child-database that is mergeable with a central parent-database of all USB tools periodically, a parent database that has it’s own auditable and actionable reports.
Easy as 1, 2, 3, no?
Thanks for getting started.