Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Confidential / Nov 11 2018 Reply To: Confidential / Nov 11 2018

#12478700 Quote
Andrea D’Intino

[@Peter Blaise]

Hi Peter,

I don’t like your tone and I won’t cry about the fact that you don’t like our tool.

The only thing I agree with you is the fact that the target for Confidential is typically corporate, so unsurprisingly someone is confused about seeing it here.

Said that, not only you clearly don’t know what GDPR is, nor what data loss protection means (which is in fact ok!), but you didn’t even look at the 3 pages of the confidential.tech website, cause if you did you would have seen that we have build several “queries” (auto-tagging rules) that you can import (to scrape your hard drives for example for email addresses, credit card numbers or social security numbers). Neither you picked up the ball and went to check the Tabbles website, whose website explains the features of the software much better.

On top of this, your recommendations are totally off-target as Confidential is a tool to work with FILES, on shared drives, or Dropbox like solutions and has nothing to do with web-located data like facebook.