Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Confidential / Nov 11 2018 Reply To: Confidential / Nov 11 2018

#12489450 Quote
Peter Blaise

The is no “Go” button or “Scan” button or “Begin” button, so how do you get this “Confidential” program to do anything?

Okay, it’s NOT in the menus, but I finally found a way to get it to scan:

— right-click a drive in the left-window of the program
— — select Apply auto-tagging rules

… and go away for a long -t-i-m-e- …

Of course you have to find and download and install auto-tagging rules first, the program came with none, absolutely no GDPR awareness.

After 8 hours, it was still slogging it’s way though one backup directory structure of mine containing 6,000+ files in 60 GB of data … before I killed it, rebooted, and reopened “Confidential” to see what it hath wrought.

It marked a bunch of files as having country address and the like, personal identification numbers and the like, and so on, which I expected ( I have many epubs and mp3s as well as typical self-created documents ).

But, there is no way to identify WHAT data was found, no “here’s a list of social security numbers found, and in which files” or “here’s a list of street addresses found, and in which files”.

There is also no way of asking “show me files with Tom Jones” or “show me all files with Social Security number 0123-456-7890”.

It just tagged files as meeting some general criteria, no specifics.


My overall assessment in 2 days ot struggle with Tag-Forge “Confidential”:

It is not smart, not intelligent, not savvy, not aware, not user friendly, not purpose-built for any one task, and as such does nothing.

Other programs call home for daily database updates, not so here, the programmers are not acting as a clearing house for GDPR-compliance references kept contemporaneous and authoritative.

Other programs build a relational database of file contents, no so here, this just looks, tags, and does not keep a specific record of what it saw that made it apply any tag.

The only thing a user could reasonably do with a report from “Confidential” is decide to keep the drive in-house, off the web, a decision easier to make just by deciding to keep all drives with self-created data in-house and off the web, no “Confidential” program needed.

According to the 80 / 20 rule, I imagine that whatever energies the programmers have put in so far is about 20% of what’s needed to make this do anything close to what it promises: GDPR-compliance assistance, they have 80% more to go, about 4 times more work than applied so far.

It claims to provide GDPR-savvy, but has none, even the programmer could only hint that scripts are available on the web, go find them yourselves, and figure out how to use them — that’s the level of support for their own claims and promises.

I … don’t think there is hope, considering how inappropriate “Tabbles” ( the underlying program ) is for a job that “Everything” and “Copernicus” and other file-contents-catalogers have a far better head start on.

This is not even useful as a “Tabbles” enhancement due to it’s lack of GDPR-savvy, such that even if people used this to discipline their use of a fresh, brand-new data drive, this program has no skill or capabilities to accurately and meaningfully audit a drive for compliance.

All I can recommend is that everyone just say “oops” and walk away, even the programmers.