Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2019 / Jan 16 2019 Reply To: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2019 / Jan 16 2019

#12920080 Quote

There is no such thing as Win Optimizer 2019… a visit to their site proves my point in case.
This is called Win Optimizer 15 this is not the newest release but it is completely free. The newest version is Win Optimizer 16 and they’ve updated a bunch of stuff, particularly regarding microsoft spying and fixes for anyone with an ssd. They are currently selling this new version on quite a big rebate. I bought this for just 7.50£ and is a must if you have win 10 x64 and your main drive is an ssd, you need to turn off features to stop windows writing to it endlessly, significantly shortening the life of your ssd.