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#14164182 Quote

Although this is a version from 2016 it still works like a charm.
I’m delighted witht the way it works.

Not having to use an webbrowser, makes it much cleaner and also doesn’t use
as many resources as a webbrowser nor creates as many temp files.

The statement that disk usage is almost zero is not correct.
Disk usage is at least equivalent to the files being edited or used or played
in the case of music or video being played or edited and appears in the form of temp files.
Just check C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\GDocsDriveTmpFolder

To be able to remove all GDocs temp files quickly, I run everything “sandboxed””
When finished. just removing (deleting) the “sandbox”, removes all these tempfiles in one fell swoop.

@ Gary
“Still no refresh option. If I load files to Google Drive after I have started GDocsDrive, they are not shown in GDocsDrive list. I have to exit GDocsDrive, then restart it so that it can find the last 100 files added to Google Drive.
A Refresh button option would help in this situation.”

You don’t have to restart GDocsDrive to see the last 100 files added to GDrive.
Just give it a moment to sync.
If I worked in 1 folder and the upload is complete -I wait a moment, then check if it’s reflected
in My Drive,if it is, then check the Last 100 items.’
No restart necessary.