Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion PlanetWheelShortcuts / Aug 13 2019 Reply To: PlanetWheelShortcuts / Aug 13 2019

#14241762 Quote

[@Peter Blaise] Peter, Great review! I don’t understand the low rating for this and hope it climbs as more people try it out. I should have time tomorrow to give it a workout. From your review it sounds like it could have done more automatically, like record the current program name and keypresses when you want to create a shortcut. I think you’re right that it should come with a catalog of shortcuts built in to Windows and maybe a dozen or so from some of the more common programs like Chrome, Edge (anyone using that?), Windows Explorer, MS Office. I wouldn’t want these pre-loaded into “wheels”, but should be able to pick from a menu. That’s a big task to even build such a list, but maybe the community could contribute shortcuts for various programs. I also would like to see this be a win for the developer, all of us users, and SOS.