Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WaveCut Audio Editor / Nov 24 2019 Reply To: WaveCut Audio Editor / Nov 24 2019

#14608072 Quote

Out of 67 scanning engines at VirusTotal-dot-com, only 1 suspected any issues in the “WaveCut Audio Editor.exe” file. Seems safe to me! This looks very promising, offering ability to work with very large files with non-destructive editing. Seems perfect for making mix CDs and trying out song sequences, should also be good for trimming things. I do most of my editing in either Tracktion’s Waveform or Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab. WaveCut may do some things easier than the others, looking forward to trying it out. Thanks very much SOS and Abyss Media for offering this today. And jayk, I really appreciate your presence here to answer questions!