Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion XenArmor Windows Product Key Finder / Feb 2 2020 Reply To: XenArmor Windows Product Key Finder / Feb 2 2020

#14944761 Quote

I installed this — from an alternate or a prior giveaway, I don’t recall which — but have not attempted to use it yet. Based on the comments here, it sounds like that is probably just as well. Shortly after registering it, I started getting regular XenArmor “big sale” solicitations, seeking upgrades to various higher level products. Have to check those emails again to be sure, but I seem to recall that the 50 % off pricing for some of those products was **still** laughable. There are very few individuals — and not many company budgets either ! — which would sling that kind of dough around for most software products. (I hope I’ve just gotten them confused with another outfit, but I doubt it.)

In the meantime, I’m wondering what ANY of their key-finder solutions might be able to do, beyond what older-time FREE ones like “Magic Jellybean Finder” did ??