Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion oMega Commander / Oct 31 2020 Reply To: oMega Commander / Oct 31 2020

#16715713 Quote
Peter Blaise

Thanks, [@HarFanG], I found a resolution, though I have no idea how the feature got turned off.

I got two trees ONCE on one computer, and it would never come back no matter what I did – [ Ctrl ][ Shift ][ F8 ] toggled ONLY ONE tree on and off, on and off, on and off.

I got two trees ONCE on another computer and IMMEDIATELY saved the configuration in hopes that I can export it around, maybe explore the ini files to see if there’s a unique setting in the one that worked and had it’s settings saved – [ Ctrl ][ Shift ][ F8 ] toggles TWO trees on and off, one, two, none, one, two, none.

However, I could find NO predictable way to make two trees happen on the one that fails, and I could not find it in oMega instructions or references anywhere, and there is no place I could find in the control menus to cause it to appear.

I JUST tried [ Shift ][ Tab ] on the failed oMega Commander, and it caused the missing tree to appear, so I immediately saved the settings.

Then, tapping [ Shift ][ Tab ] again does NOT make the tree disappear, so I have no idea where the tree went or how, but it’s back, and now [ Ctrl ][ Shift ][ F8 ] toggles TWO trees on and off, one, two, none, one, two, none.

We’re apparently looking for a cause and a fix for broken oMega Commanders, not instructions for non-broken oMega Commanders.

Hey, oMega, is there a “reset to defaults” so we can try again from scratch?

Regardless, because there is no discrete set of controls for setting the presentation of oMega Commander, I still have no idea how each panel got so different – they are different – how to reset it, and I still click on things that then disappear, and I can’t get them back, it’s way too noisy and random, many visual items have no tool-tip or right-click explanation.

Everyone has their own needs and resources, I’ll try to remember this has Internet shortcuts for some neat Internet tools, and perhaps I will try oMega Commander again a few times to see if I can get it stable and if I can resolve the meaning of things that just don’t translate well – I must remember that “view” is for file contents, not changing the way the program looks … but I’m not sure how to change the way the program looks from within the settings, I think they expect us to draw on the screen, to drag things around.

Thanks for the opportunity to explore this and share.