Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion DMclone / Aug 12 2021 Reply To: DMclone / Aug 12 2021

#18340939 Quote

[@drvajra sharma]

Lars is correct about the reviews being faked in the sense that the people shown are not who they say they are.

On the DMClone for Windows page (https://www.donemax.com/disk-clone/dmclone-for-windows.html), Kris Lee and Monica both recommend the program.

>”… so some proof will help.”

I have it. I checked these people out several months ago. Today, I re-checked each site I had collected and 11 no longer had Kris Lee on them, thus removed, so the list below is good as of 2021-08-12.

Kris Lee and Monica love to endorse products they believe in, even though they have to change their name.

Monica goes by Natalie B of Fountain while endorsing All in Family Medicine at allinfamilymed.com/

Kris Lee goes by Jonathon T of Peyton while endorsing All in Family Medicine at allinfamilymed.com/

Kris Lee goes by Bahtier Mirziyoev 30 seconds into a YouTube video for Motion Array (template video) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfccnLDTa4M, which also has a millennial identified as Warren Buffet (not Buffett)
Motion Array(motionarray.com/after-effects-templates/economic-event-promo-403879) The person identified as Warren Buffet is younger than Warren Buffett’s children.

Kris Lee goes by Munnaver while endorsing an erectile dysfunction product (Xtra Night) at xtranight.in/order.html
Kris Lee goes nameless while endorsing a DJ supplied by WeddingWire.ca at http://www.weddingwire.ca/wedding-dj/djing-ca–e54231
Kris Lee goes by Cecil Darren Frank as a professional real estate agent in Canada on cecildarrenfrank.ca/about-me/
Kris Lee goes by James while endorsing the Kennedy String Quartet at http://www.kennedyquartet.com/about/
Kris Lee’s image is used to show the “Quiff Undercut Fade” hairstyle in an article titled “Best 30 Trending Hairstyle For Men That Had Gone Way Too Far” on http://www.haircutsolution.com/trending-hairstyle-for-men/ (See #24)
Kris Lee goes nameless speaking about Crypto Services for Indonesian company (Easy Crypto Info) on easycryptoinfo.com/mata-uang-digital-atau-cryptocurrency-terbaik/
Kris Lee goes nameless speaking for a Workforce Management Platform (Squadly.io) on squadly.io/
Kris Lee goes nameless speaking for a U.K. company (USCITA) business brokers who help buy and sell businesses in Cheshire and in Manchester at http://www.uscita.co.uk/9-step-plan-for-profitable-management-buyout-of-your-business/
Kris Lee goes by Estate Agent 4, for a company (MonicaFoster Homes) that sells homes in Martinsburg West Virginia at http://www.monikafoster.com/agents-2/estate-agent-4-2/
Kris Lee has a Facebook page as Abco International, a Bangalasesh company on http://www.facebook.com/AbcoInternational/
Kris Lee is on Pinterest for Soxco at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/651122058623458535/
Kris Lee goes nameless on the About page of Keus on live.envalab.com/html/keus/style-original/about.html (use http, not https)
Kris Lee goes by Greg Silmer as Support department for Sirvisetti at http://www.sirvisetti.com/about/
Kris Lee goes by Greg Silmer as Support department for EduPay at edupay.ru/about/ (Clock is ahead)
Kris Lee goes by Markus Millions, BUSINESS CONTRIBUTOR for a UK Accounting firm based in Flintham, Newark on dev.andrewcrawfordaccounting.co.uk/latest-episodes/
Kris Lee goes by Wayne Holland, Founder of Roberts Carpets (a 36-year old business) in (and around) Houston, TX on http://www.robertscarpet.com/team/
Kris Lee goes by Cameron Williamson, Pourquoi, as a Team Member for a Bicycle Rental Team at sppagebuilder.com/bicycle-rental-team
Kris Lee goes by James T. Powers endorsing the Sarmaya of Energetic Themes at http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/testimonial/james-t-powers/
and goes by t3 at http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/testimonial/clara-e-martin/t3/.

His statement at http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/ “The Sarmaya brought me into contact with investors who have the expertise and the network to make my Startup grow strongly in the short term.” is word-for-word same as another endorser (Stephen E. Bauder) uses.
Also, at http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/home-2-2/, http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/services/ (conducting a meeting and toasting a drink below).
Also as Carlos Arriaga (legal-financial crack) at http://www.energeticthemes.com/themes/sarmaya/about-us/
Two different names at the same company! Way to go.

A lot of these sites are website template designs that used some stock images of people to show how the finished website would look, except many of the companies that used these templates never bothered to replace the endorsement faces with ones of their own, Donemax included. I have found that the most common reason is that the company does not have any true endorsements.