Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Product Key Recovery Tool 2 / Dec 15 2023 Reply To: Product Key Recovery Tool 2 / Dec 15 2023

#21851493 Quote

Program installed, activated for 6 months, and ran without problems for me. Win 10 Home, 7-year-old Dell XPS 8920, 1 TB WD SSD, Bitdefender antivirus, also scanned file with MalwareBytes.

Program found only 148 product keys, I have over 1300 things installed according to Soft Organizer. Full scan took less than 5 minutes (might take longer on a hard drive, or less time on a newer PC).

Very nice that it let me save the list of keys as a text file. HTML and CSV are other save options. I hope I never need this list, but nice to have as a possible recovery option.

I clicked “Application Request” button to see what it does, and it apparently locks up the program. Help option takes you to FAQ on web site, there is nothing to explain how to use the program or what “Application Request” should do.

Thanks SOS and PC Trek!