Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Emergency Boot Kit / Apr 10 2023 Reply To: Emergency Boot Kit / Apr 10 2023

#21913078 Quote
black ccamel

We’ve all lost something in our computer lifetime – ouch!

#1, STOP.

#2, set the drive aside, and unplugged.

#3, get recovery software ( free Recuva is fine ), learn to use it, and try it on a USB flash drive a few times.

#4, reconnect the erased/overwritten drive, and run the recovery software, let it do a deep read, wait, be patient, select what’s recoverable, make sure you have space for it to be copied out, such as to another hard drive or to a separate USB flash drive, tell it to start recovering the files you found and selected, save them to that different drive, wait, be patient.

#5, in the future, read everything about emergency recovery tools before using them, watch videos, and of course, separate your backup archive drives from your computer before installing anything, especially before installing anything powerful and risky that offers to create a boot disk out of something.

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Background: This is emergency boot disk creation software, it takes a drive and makes that drive boot and able to run recovery software, it makes a drive bootable by overwriting whatever is in it’s way at the beginning of the drive, and it takes over the drive to make it it’s own.

Luckily, this software is small, so it probably only overwrote a small amount of your data off drive F:, and you may retrieve a lot of whatever is still there but no longer listed in any directory.

After you accomplish recovery to another drive, then drive F: will be yours to play with, either try other recovery software to learn and try to get more retrieved, or reformat drive F: and treat it more precious in the future.

You stand to learn a great valuable lesson and become a master of data recovery, and be much smarter by experience from here.

Let us know how it goes.

Good luck.