Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Flashpaste / Jan 4 2024 Reply To: Flashpaste / Jan 4 2024

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[@scouseware] These guys have been around a long time and have earned my trust. I’ve been using Clip Diary for many years. Well-designed, flexible, never any issues. Not sure if I would use Flashpaste now, but years ago it would have saved me a LOT of time. I think Flashpaste is best if you have many phrases that you re-type often, or even once in a while, especially if you need consistent wording and no typos.

I tend to grab things from several parts of different web pages and then paste them one after another into a different document. Clip Diary lets me do that without jumping back and forth. I don’t even have to open the program’s interface to copy 10 different things and paste them all later. I like that it remembers things I’ve copied in case I need to go back. Two different tools for two different purposes.