Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WinxVideo AI / Jan 30 2024 Reply To: WinxVideo AI / Jan 30 2024

#22022638 Quote

This looked to be very promising but that promise turned out to be disappointing.
The installation and registration went OK on my Win10Pro x64bit 12 GB machine with a 2GB Nvidia GT710 video card but the results? BLACK!

I tested with two versions of a scan of an old black and white dull photograph, the original B&W, and a colourized enhanced one previously created with My Heritage.

I first asked for an “enhancement to the enhanced” colourized version. It seemed to go as expected and it correctly used my Nvidia’s GPU, and it showed a side by side preview of the result in the program which looked improved!

I was happy with that so I attempted to retrieve it from the designated folder. That’s when the problems started.

When I tried to view the image in the folder it was completely black! It was also showing a very small file size, about 6KB, not nearly large enough. There is also no way to retrieve it directly from the preview within the program.

I repeated the action many times, even restarted the application, each time the same result–black with a tiny image size –nothing!

To make matters worse, the Preview function also stopped working after the first run. I had nothing to save and nothing to even preview.

This has been a total waste of time. Based on this test I didn’t bother to try a video.
This program doesn’t work as advertised.