Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder 8 / Feb 2 2024 Reply To: Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder 8 / Feb 2 2024

#22037152 Quote
Win 7

I have windows 7 on purpose. I like it better than the upgrades. This would not install on my pc with a pop-up it could not run because I had no msvp140.dll on my pc. I did a windows search of the dll and found it on my pc. Copied one of them and then pasted in the FILE itself under Programs for this giveaway. Installed again and this time, it was vruntime140.dll. I repeated the above process and it worked. Don’t do anything other than finding installed Quick and Easy program file. Don’t open it, but paste your dills inside the folder itself and let it place the dll’s where it chooses. Should start up.