Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion MG QR Code Generator / Mar 30 2024 Reply To: MG QR Code Generator / Mar 30 2024

#22236598 Quote

Installed and registered without issue. No warnings from Windows or my antivirus. User interface is a bit small (when will programmers realize not everyone is in their 20’s), but everything I tried worked well. Used my iPhone to read the code displayed on the screen. Used Windows’ built-in screen magnifier to make it all easier to read :)

I’m using Win 11 Pro, 64-bit, with Bitdefender antivirus. Thanks MS Tech and SOS. I certainly won’t use this every day, but nice to have when the need arises. Might make a treasure hunt for my grandkid, or use it to send links to music files for my dulcimer group.