Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Mango AI / May 21 2024 Reply To: Mango AI / May 21 2024

#22395510 Quote

Registered without issue, although I already had an account create for the Mango CM software I got here a while ago.
There’s nothing to download and install, it’s all web-based.

First impression: Many options but all that I saw would create a video of some character (a cutesy animal, an avatar, one of several people, or even a photo of someone, and a wide range of voices, accents, languages) standing next to a whiteboard to show images you upload on the whiteboard or as slides. You have an intro, an outro, and one or more scenes. You enter the text the character should say, set a few options, and generate your video. So it’s all very presentation-like, with little flexibility. It seems nice for the limited things it does, and there is an option for a full-screen background instead of a whiteboard. I could NOT get it to load the pic I wanted as a background, but another pic in the same folder worked fine.

If I get a chance to play with it more I’ll try to update this….