Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AcePDF Editor / Jul 26 2024 Reply To: AcePDF Editor / Jul 26 2024

#22546028 Quote
Dierk Dierkdk

Downloaded, installed, and activated without apparent problems.
Not much play time as yet, but ACEPDF did a decent job of converting a short – but reasonably complex – PDF into a Word doc, with minor issues in font selection (some of the converted fonts were too closely spaced. Presumably could be fixed in Word). That alone makes this a program worth giving a try.

However – and as for all of the ‘bargain’ pdf editors tried to date – the process for Editing Text within an existing PDF is obscure / frustrating / poorly documented – take your pick. Again, ACEPDF is not alone in this.
Does not help matters that all Help / How To instructions are strictly on line, and (again) not as well organized (readily found) as they could be: they Exist, but one would want to Bookmark the relevant pages instead of fighting one’s way through their web site.

To be fair, standard of comparison is PaperPort Pro – not a “cheap” program – paired with OmniPage Pro (definitely Not Cheap). In combo, those can work very well, but they come with their own set of issues, so always keep an eye out for “simpler” solutions and will certainly revisit ACEPDF a few more time before deciding whether or not to keep it.