Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 215 GB OneDrive cloud storage by Microsoft / Jan 28 2016 Reply To: 215 GB OneDrive cloud storage by Microsoft / Jan 28 2016

#4163588 Quote

Thanks Ashraf !

Why does the top of this page say 215 GB when the link takes me to the 10 GB page?

Larry, maybe like me, you’re recalling doing this b4.
>> Say, on the bottom left hand side, if I click on “Get more storage”,
amid the next page, I see:
“Referral bonus (0% achieved) 0 GB
Bing bonus 100 GB Valid through: 2/27/2017
Enthusiast bonus 100 GB Valid through: 2/28/2016 ”
So, seems M$ is offering a sales job here.
“Invite friends to join OneDrive
For each friend who signs into OneDrive as a new customer, both you and your friend will receive an extra 0.5 GB of free storage (max 5 GB).”