Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Steganos Online Shield VPN / Sep 27 2016 Reply To: Steganos Online Shield VPN / Sep 27 2016

#5820287 Quote
mark dunbar

Pretty much anything to do wih Steganos is a rip off. Specially when you decide to uninstall their so called free products. It leaves behind registry problems galore. For the avid user who can edit a registry not too much of an issue, but to the layman. a giant issue. It also puts ad’s in place of the correct registry items. Total B.S. from this company. My advise steer clear.. As for recommending a better v.p.n. or dns proxy. Haven’t found one yet they doesn’t eat all your bandwidth in order to so called PROTECT YOU.. It’s the luck of the draw. Besides if someone really wanted to hack you, they will. It’s just a matter of time. You may not be in the geographical local thats targeted today, but just wait for a while. You will probably be hit in some way or another. It’s Murphy’s Law…..Also, for the record, if I have to answer weather or not I’m a robot to enter comments, then this sight isn’t safe either….lmao such a society we live in…