Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Steganos Online Shield VPN / Sep 27 2016 Reply To: Steganos Online Shield VPN / Sep 27 2016

#5822776 Quote

Above average VPN. Option to block adds, delete cookies, and more settings that many VPNs don’t have. 2gb p/month is ok but low. StackSocialDOTcom has WindscribeVPN Lifetime for 40 US Dollars. Some accts are around 50gb per month.
WindscribeVPN free acct gives you 10gb monthly at “windscribeDOTcom/signup”.
FreedomeVPN by Steganos at “Windows deals dot com” gives you Unlimited Data for free. Freedome has option to block WebRTC connection which gives you more Privacy browsing the World Wide Web.
So 2gb, 10gb, or Unlimited is the ones available at the moment.
*The sharewareonsale downloader may be flagged as malware by some Anti-virus softwares.*
Scanned it with Malwarebytes Pro and the file is safe, just a downloader/installer.