Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Cinch Audio Recorder / Sep 14 2017 Reply To: Cinch Audio Recorder / Sep 14 2017

#8917822 Quote

Ok. I bought a few lifetime licenses for Cinch Audio Recorder (a year ago?). I frequently go (about every week!) into the Settings-menu : Check for updates. Always the same: You are using the latest version : Version 3.0.1
Now, I see on SoS that there is a version 4.0.2 ???
Hello?? I’ve already ask months ago to put at least a changelog on the site. This is so … urgh!
And, why the datestamp is still not changeble in Day/Month/Year (and not as now, only Month/Day/Year). use that setting menu please.

And again: provide a changelog. That’s what every dev do. Thanks in advance!