Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion ACDSee Video Studio 3 / Apr 4 2020

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  • #15298328 Reply | Quote
    Ni Bo

    After I have enter my email several times I get only the following error message “504 Gateway Time-out”. Please fix it.

    #15303879 Reply | Quote

    1. I recevied the license key in my email, but then the Studio software won’t even start, it just flashes.
    2. Then when I try a shortcut for the recorder, I get a screen that wants you to login, and it says to create a temporary password.
    3. Then I enter the email and temporary password and it says they don’t match – Match what? THEY ARE TEMPORARY as I don’t have an account.

    So, I went to the website to create an account.

    1. There is NO way to create an account – just to login!
    2. So, I tried a forgot password – says there is no account!
    3. “Password recovery failed – account is not verified or does not exist in acdID.”
    4. Yet I HAVE an email with the license key in it.

    So, round and round and nothing works. Six days ago it was on special, and why hasn’t it been fixed in those 6 days – before it is advertised again?

    SOOOOO, why hasn’t it been fixed?

    I posted this in the Contact US on the website, so will see if I get a response. I will update if I do.

    #15305939 Reply | Quote

    I did use a few emails to get a program registration key, but I didn’t get one. . .nothing!?

    #15307138 Reply | Quote

    can’t even register it, refuses to accept the temporary password sent to me with my email address three times now and keeps saying email address is incorrect, and along with the systray icons flashing like crazy, I gave up on this pos. I knew there were better video editors already installed on my system but wanted to give this a try, but forget it, it’s useless to me

    #15307139 Reply | Quote

    key never sent to my email.

    #15313670 Reply | Quote
    Alexey Stepanov

    I did follow all steps but never got a License key. This look like b#. Just uninstall it.

    #15318217 Reply | Quote
    Tony Class

    I do not agree with you, because on the second day after installation
    and on my computer with WINDOWS 10, I already ignored it!
    ACDSee Video Studio 3 on launch and highlights highlights
    of tasks, raised the temperature of the computer to 45 degrees
    and RAM up to 70%. After I removed it, I did everything
    come in place!

    #15319707 Reply | Quote

    As with the other posts did not get anything. Took my information and did not get anything. Said that it did not exist. ACDSee Video Studio. Noting ….
    Could you send the proper information , license and and link to get this 100 % free software as mention on your website . Thanks
    Wish I had a better comment to give sorry!!

    #15319828 Reply | Quote

    And here is the censorship that rubs off the negative comments. So far I have made two substantiated critical comments about this one a gift program is a virus that damages the temperature and CPU of your computer !

    #15323928 Reply | Quote
    J. David Krauser

    Can’t register. Have tried twice. Uninstalling. When they fix this I’ll try again.

    #15439457 Reply | Quote
    Diaa Ebaid

    ACDSee Video Studio 3 is actually a good product

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)
Reply To: Reply #15270074 in ACDSee Video Studio 3 / Apr 4 2020