Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AntiSpyware Pro / Dec 13 2015

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  • #3791557 Reply | Quote

    I got the offer from sharewaresale and the site says that it is a lifetime free license. But when I register, I get a message that it is valid only till 31st December 2015. So how do I completely unistall the program?

    #3791671 Reply | Quote

    I REALLY miss the rating that use to appear on the offer page (ratings by users of the software)…Idoo software is noted for poor ratings for a number of reasons, and being able to see a user rating on offered software would save the need to either read this discussion column or go elsewhere for other reviews. My guess is that any rating on this software would be quite negative.

    #3791715 Reply | Quote
    mike monty

    I tried chrome, firefox, and icedragon. It was blocked by all three browser. I think I’ll skip this one.

    #3791847 Reply | Quote

    Installed anti-spyware, registered it but when I tried to update, it gave me the message:
    “Version Verification Program not detected” and I cannot update the Sept 22 database.

    #3791912 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    It just has power to change things, probably home pages, so Google Chrome blocks it.

    Just accept it anyway,
    then Ctrl-J to see download list,
    accept it,
    and tell Google to “hurt you bad”,
    and check your version here at Virus Total
    — oh, you have — good for you.

    Here’s my screen history getting the file:



    #3791914 Reply | Quote

    tried downloading it but my computer (firefox) wont let . it claims thiers” This web page at http://www.idoosoft.com has been reported to contain unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.”

    #3791999 Reply | Quote

    My browser warns me not to proceed to their website. Passing up this one.

    #3792278 Reply | Quote

    [@Ross] Thanks Ashraf for the freebies. This one Antispyware Pro takes the irony to new heights: an antivirus which carries his own Trojan(s). I have this thing with Chinese companies that I don’t install their programs on my computers. This program is Chinese, Ergo…Thanks anyway…

    #3792763 Reply | Quote

    I cant download :( Firefox first blocked, then Eset…

    #3793034 Reply | Quote
    Sarach Deng

    Thanks, I like it

    #3793038 Reply | Quote

    this program was blocked from bitdefender ts. it contains spyware…

    #3793039 Reply | Quote

    Good !

    #3793041 Reply | Quote
    #3793042 Reply | Quote
    Jason Carver

    Unfortunately not all products can get things perfect as it relies on community feedback on what files are acceptable and which ones are not. I think the most common way someone gets infected is from ad banners that promises free downloads of the latest version of a program and then BOOM you have a problem. There should be guidelines that prevent something like that.

    That being said, being overcautious can be a good thing sometimes and it can be a bad thing depending on ones level of expertise. If you are an expert at internet security, give this a go and see what you think. I do like the way the featured review was written though. Malware Bytes is a more reliable real time solution that actually educates rather then scare people. This product does just that, put too much fear in someones mind.

    #3793755 Reply | Quote

    After I stopped all the attempted blocking by my existing defenses
    and finally was able to install: found numerous trojans etc. YIKE

    /was weird the way the initial DL was several months old :-()

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Reply To: Reply #3793892 in AntiSpyware Pro / Dec 13 2015