Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Aurora HDR 2018 / Jul 14 2019

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  • #14090552 Reply | Quote


    Did this several times, I mean I ran the setup as Adm on my friends win 10 64 bit machine, yet the small windows of the interface just pops up and it soon disappears, and the program will not start or run properly.

    Anyway, thank you for trying to help those of us who are experiencing problems with installing or running this program.

    #14090665 Reply | Quote

    Trying to download Mac version and cannot do that. Link to MediaFire does not work, the message says: This file is currently set to private.
    BTW, Windows download has the same issue.
    Registered at MediaFire and requested access from the file owner. Will see if it really works.

    #14092954 Reply | Quote

    the installer don’t work.
    windows 7 64

    #14093376 Reply | Quote

    @Bill. Thank you so much!

    #14093397 Reply | Quote

    @Bill: Thank you very much!

    #14093522 Reply | Quote

    [@Ivan] Если нет соединения используйте VPN. Сам использовал PROTON VPN (Нидерланды)

    #14093740 Reply | Quote
    Joan Hsieh
    #14094388 Reply | Quote

    I installed the software but it won’t open .DNG files. Works with jpegs. Re-installation didn’t help:/ Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    #14094780 Reply | Quote

    REGARDING THE COMMENT: “After downloading the Aurora HDR 2018.exe file, I right-clicked on it and chose ‘run as administrator’. Doing it that way, the installation went fine and the program opened without problems.” UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS THE TYPICAL WAY VIRUSES AND MALAWARE INFECT COMPUTERS AND PROPAGATE TO OTHERS<<<IT’S A BIG BIG BIG NO-NO !!! Nothing can stop the propagation of viruses if people bypass all security features that are built-in Windows OS or Anti-Virus Programs . BOTH THE SHAREWARE SITE AND THE COMPANIES THAT SUPPLY FREE SOFTWARE MUST TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY

    #14094904 Reply | Quote

    REGARDING THE COMMENT: “After downloading the Aurora HDR 2018.exe file, I right-clicked on it and chose ‘run as administrator’. Doing it that way, the installation went fine and the program opened without problems.” UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS THE TYPICAL WAY VIRUSES AND MALAWARE INFECT COMPUTERS AND PROPAGATE TO OTHERS<<<IT’S A BIG BIG BIG NO-NO !!! Nothing can stop the propagation of viruses if people bypass all security features that are built-in Windows OS or Anti-Virus Programs . BOTH THE SHAREWARE SITE AND THE COMPANIES THAT SUPPLY FREE SOFTWARE MUST TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment and useful warning. Much appreciated.

    Best Regards,


    #14094977 Reply | Quote

    I agree with HM regarding the dangers of installing this program (or any) with Administrator privileges, especially, when one person already suspected the installer to have an infection.

    Regardless, I had a computer that I could try doing exactly what Bill tried (installing with Administrator privileges). I knew I could easily re-image it if installed any suspicious software. I monitored the Program Files folder as before. No new folder was created, the same as before.

    The Aurora_Setup.exe file actually creates other programs to do the install. You might be able to see a System Tray notice, depending on what software you use. For example, Total Uninstall will catch the extra setup program and alert the user.

    One thing I have noticed is that at the end of the installs, I get a System Tray notice that Windows Updates could not be checked. For some reason the installer is mucking around in places it need not be for what it supposedly does. Working with images is this program’s purpose (to create good HDR versions). There is no need to require Administrator privileges for installation or operation.

    It is too bad this software was not better tested before we were offered the chance to test it out. Now, even if they say it is fixed, I will be a little suspicious and extra cautious.

    #14102137 Reply | Quote

    Install went fine ,opened program and selected sample picture and create HDR . received warning need openGl3.3 or better ,update graphics driver ,which I did. no change It seems my win 7 unit is not up to snuff to run this program. Why, when my XP computer had several HDR programs with no problems. I will remove Aurora 2018 ASAp.

    #14102144 Reply | Quote
    Roger Dayton

    Would not start up. The installation went too fast. The download file was probably corrupted. I tried to download it again but your system won’t let me. It say’s that I am being stingy for trying to download a working version. I guess you can see the ridiculousness of that statement.

    #14102155 Reply | Quote
    Flickering State

    This program caused my computer to crash. I have tried to run it 3 times with the same result. Probably due to it being a bloated software program. 1 out of 5 stars for this one!

    #14112628 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Aurora HDR 2018? Say it here!

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