Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion DVDFab YouTube to MP3 / Aug 23 2018

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  • #11949228 Reply | Quote
    John A.

    DVDFab YouTube to MP3. What a convoluted piece of software.
    Downloaded 141 MB, 64bit computer and now need another
    40 MB. This is a tease & switch to sell more software. Clicking
    The Icon is the most confusing. UNINSTALLED.

    #11949563 Reply | Quote

    Bitdefender detected it as malware

    #11949752 Reply | Quote

    Could not install it kept saying not enough space on selected drive.

    #11954832 Reply | Quote
    D K

    Have made 3 attempts to install, each results in a message stating:
    Oops! This version of DVDFab only works on 64-bit operating system. Please download and install the 32-bit version.

    The downloaded installation file is named:

    #11954869 Reply | Quote

    I have used DVDFab products for years but it seems like the new package is both overly bloated and not ready for primetime. I submitted the UN and PW supplied by SOS and it seemed to work, I downloaded the Youtube to MP3 downloader, tried downloading one song and now I’m in some kind of endless loop where it keeps asking me to authorize with UN and PW every time I open it up.

    The one song I tried sounded fine on Youtube but had an extremely low volume as an MP3, was a HUGE file — seriously, 10mb for a four-minute song??? Plus it ended up with weird tags that I can’t seem to edit. Disappointing. This is not a keeper.

    #11955105 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf]
    This software, DVDFab YouTube to MP3 is still not able to Install…says Not enough Space??? My machine has 1TB HDD with Plenty of room.

    #11955123 Reply | Quote

    Look, it works fine. But because it’s part of a massive suite of trialware, it’s a big download (for what it is) and you can’t start it by itself, you have to load the entire suite, then start this. More trouble than it’s worth. If it was standalone, I’d give it a five, but usability is a 1, so it gets a 3.

    #11958604 Reply | Quote

    It Should work, but doesn’t. First it tells me I don’t have enough disk space (when I have hundreds of GB available) when I try to custom install. Next I try Quick Install and installation fails! Really?? Why so many issues with 1 simple app?

    #11958853 Reply | Quote

    I just find this software to be the most badly designed software imaginable.

    As others have stated, you need to download a huge trialware program, install that and then FINALLY download the promised software.

    Every time you open the software you need to jump through hoops just to use it, really awful.

    Instead of enticing me to use their other software they have in fact put me off their entire lineup. IF they had just given the MP3 software as a standalone and it worked well I might have been curious to discover their other offerings but unfortunately I am installing this crapware!

    #11968085 Reply | Quote

    I get the same “not enough space” message on 2 different computers so I think the installer still needs a tweak. Unfortunately, I don’t have prior installers. Help would be appreciated :)

    #11970015 Reply | Quote

    As of 28 August 2018 1205 This app still does not work. I receive the message insuffient space. I have plenty of GB available.

    #11971804 Reply | Quote

    Same troubles as others

    not enough space

    Software install has graphics left over from the dos days

    #11971808 Reply | Quote

    Received message “Install Failed”

    #11973004 Reply | Quote

    I tried to install last week and was told “not enough hard drive space. tried on two different Win 10 64 bit computers with over 1 TB Hard drives.Tried today ( the last day of give away) and still told not enough hard drive.

    Guess DVD Fab needs to work on their programs!

    #11975490 Reply | Quote
    Peter Woods

    I followed your instructions to a “T” and still cannot successfully install this software. It is impossible to evaluate its usefulness, so even if I were interested in purchasing this and other products from the developer, the process is much too cumbersome. I consider myself reasonably adept at installing software having been at this for over 30 years and have never run into such a challenge. If you can’t solve these issues I suggest that this offer be simply withdrawn altogether as you will frustrate people so much that it will drive them away from any future offerings. Let’s face it, this is a great platform for developers to get their software out there and being used. I have purchased tons of software after trying it out here first. If something works well and I wish to continue to use it (even though I have a free copy installed) I purchase it outright to ensure that I can reinstall if necessary if and when I change computers. No brainer as far as I’m concerned but this experience puts a bad taste in my mouth.

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