Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Isoo Backup and System Restore / Jan 22 2019

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  • #12954670 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Thanks for the votes of confidence, [@Gary] and [@Николай Стоянов].

    We all have experiences to share, and here’s a great place to do that.

    And as you can tell, I and others here have had our share of unrebuildable hard drives and useless utility software, or worse, damaging utility software!

    I hope vendors realize that we’re not just here for freebies.

    But that we all have a vast, varied, and valuable user experience to share, and we really do want to help improve this stuff, make a difference, and help each other.

    As [@– bill]‘s exploration reveals to me, this software is OVER simplified to the point of being unintelligent and dangerous, because it should, but does not,

    — it does not clearly analyze the environment in which it lands,

    — it does not give a clear and complete report of what it is going to do or what it can’t do,

    — and sadly, if you don’t build a USB boot drive first AND TEST IT, you may be SOL ( um, “short of luck” ).

    My advice stands:

    — always have separate backups of your data, your software installations, and your OS re-installation media,

    — never toss a program into your computer and hope for the best, but inspect what you expect, and know your song well before you start singing, because you and only you must take 100% responsibility for knowing and managing everything, everything, everything inside your own computer.

    #12961808 Reply | Quote
    Quach Phat Thang

    This software has a user interface that is nearly like “Eassos System Restore”. I won’t share this giveaway to other people temporarily. I will share it when your software is stable. Thank SOS & Isoo for offering this one.

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Reply To: Reply #12945314 in Isoo Backup and System Restore / Jan 22 2019