Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Kerish Doctor 2020 / Jan 20 2020

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  • #14895050 Reply | Quote

    Working thank you so much :)

    #14895691 Reply | Quote

    I was still able to register this afternoon with the given key. Program seems very nice, with a LOT of different features. Not sure if I’ll keep it running all the time but I’ll give it a try. Some quick comparisons:

    Junk File cleanup
    Kerish Doctor found 2.5 GB in 5521 files in 2:13 minutes.
    CCleaner found 5.1 GB in 3064 files in 8.61 seconds.
    I told KD to “fix” the files, then ran CC again.
    CCleaner found 3.4 GB in 200 files in 1.87 seconds.
    They’re obviously looking at different things. I did not have CC enabled to clean pre-fetch files or check shortcuts, and KD cleaned out a lot prefetch files, 10 invalid shortcuts and empty folders. Possibly these two programs together will work well!

    Installed Software
    Kerish Doctor found 773 programs installed. Soft Organizer found 962. Windows 10 Apps & Features found *approximately* 846. I had to hand-count these, and tend to lose focus after a while, so maybe 846 +/-30? Without some serious analysis, no way to know what kind of programs KD missed. Win 10 Apps? Programs with no uninstallers? I did not try uninstalling anything with it.

    If I get a chance to try out the Game Booster or Application Booster soon I’ll post again. There’s no way to customize it to disable different things for different uses. And I don’t know what happens if system crashes while things are disabled. Does it re-enable them on next reboot? And I don’t like that it tells me it will change system settings, but I see no way to know exactly what it’s changing so how do I recover later if it causes problems? It has a rollback feature, but can I undo one item without undoing everything KD changed since then? How far back does it remember its changes? The help function is not helpful (few of them are); it tells little more than what’s already on the screen. List of files to be deleted has name and path but no dates.

    #14898102 Reply | Quote

    License valid for 391 days only.

    #14899173 Reply | Quote

    I agree. It is a very good application BUT, it exerts too many reads/writes in my Samsung SSD.

    #14899341 Reply | Quote

    Thanks for the program, it’s wonderful.

    #14900953 Reply | Quote

    Отличная программа! Уже помогла и подсказала мне по многим проблемным вопросам.Автору статьи по установке программы,её использованию и понятному раскрытию других вопросов огромная благодарность. Спасибо всем создателям Kerish Doctor 2020.Удачи Вам и новых успехов!!!

    #14901025 Reply | Quote

    спасибо . отличная программа .

    #14901166 Reply | Quote

    Have not received email as of now for Key to Kerish 2020 program downloaded at 1:30 PM today.

    #14902831 Reply | Quote
    Madison Mock

    Good program Thank you!

    #14904445 Reply | Quote


    #14904657 Reply | Quote

    поставил. буду юзать. спасибо)))

    #14906254 Reply | Quote

    Спасибо! пользуюсь ей давно Windows7 полёт нормальный! Хороших вам и нам программ на раздачах!

    #14923944 Reply | Quote
    Robert Fare

    The program will speed up your computer, prevent crashes and generally does a good job in tuning up your computer. It has all sorts of helpful features. But I found out that instead of fixing shortcuts, it removed a lot of them causing me a lot of work in replacing them. So if you are going to use that program, do yourself a favor and uncheck the fix shortcuts option. I removed the program from my system to avoid coming up with anymore unpleasant surprises.

    #14924146 Reply | Quote
    Robert Fare

    [@Andreas] A 391 day license is a problem? There are a lot of optimization programs that offer a one-year license like IObit’s Advanced SystemCare Pro, Iolo’s System Mechanic, and Auslogic’s Boostspeed. If you want more than a one-year program, you can try Ashampoo’s WinOptimizer 2019 or WinOptimizer 15 which have unlimited licenses. You upgrade those by getting a successor version of the program, not by renewing a license yearly.

    #15199456 Reply | Quote

    Not comparable with win 10, I have installed this software twice this and last year “sharewareonsale “offers, and never worked

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 68 total)
Reply To: Reply #14884733 in Kerish Doctor 2020 / Jan 20 2020