Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion MalwareFox Premium / Feb 24 2019

  • This topic has 19 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by Rohit Singh.
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  • #13134247 Reply | Quote

    Not mentioned anywhere, but it’s 358 day license. Agreement was OK and data collected is reasonable. 8 false positives at scan tat is reasonable. Hope it will do something good.

    #13137483 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise




    Advanced Malware Protection v2.74.0.150-2018-07-20.

    #13138588 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Message at install said it could not contact the vendor or something, reverting to standard install ( if we rename the install file, does it think it’s a different vendor’s product ? ).

    It then refused the activation code as supplied, but allowed 15 days, so I tried it anyway.

    It actually scanned pretty quickly, but only found POSSIBLY unwanted stuff, and failed to offer any exploration or identification as to why something is POSSIBLY unwanted.

    Completely missed everything in my known MALWARE depository that included hundreds of viruses that I use to test anti malware programs ( you all don’t delete viruses, do you, you all move them to a safe MALWARE directory for perpetual re-testing, especially with new-fangled anti-malware offerings, don’t you ? ).


    Not worth anything, and it has a failed and confused installation and license rejection.

    #13138645 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Correction, it looks as if it just does not scan everywhere, and does NOT tell you or allow you to control where it scans.

    I dragged my MALWARE collection directory to the main screen “drop directories here” and then it did find 3 out of hundreds of sample viruses and malware — not a good showing, even with it’s scan-to-cloud engaged.

    The feature to “Launch FARBAR Recovery Tools” fails, claiming it can NOT access the Internet.

    NRFPTY — Not Ready For Prime Time Yet — Nerf Putty.

    I feel like a beta tester.

    Or an alpha tester.

    What kind of anti malware software does not scan everywhere on all drives?

    Has Zemana not even LOOKED at the FREE competition?

    #14276123 Reply | Quote
    Rohit Singh

    Please Give Me The Malware Byte I Need This Software Please Sir Give me the software

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Reply To: Reply #13131491 in MalwareFox Premium / Feb 24 2019