Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion PC Trek Advanced Password Recovery Suite / Sep 26 2018

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  • #12202651 Reply | Quote
    Sue L

    Will the free 6-monthe trial version provided through SharewareOnSale work as a portable program on a USB drive?

    #12203340 Reply | Quote
    PC Trek

    [@Sue L]
    It should work fine if you copy the installation folder on USB drive and have admin privileges on other computers as long as you prefer portable apps and hate installation :)
    But please be aware the activation is locked to one computer and not the USB or software location. This means it will not be activated on other systems when you run it.
    Not activated software is able to recover the full Windows Product Key even from unbootable drive just in case you need Windows re-installation. All other keys and passwords are shown partially.

    #12204689 Reply | Quote

    I installed this a couple of days ago. Still no activation code. Help!

    #12205321 Reply | Quote

    I installed this a couple of days ago. Still no activation code. Help!

    I found the email asking me to confirm my email address in the spam folder of my webmail. When I clicked the link I was taken to a page that had the message that the email address was confirmed. Since then, nothing. The program is not activated. I tried entering my email address again, and a message appeared saying ‘pending activation’.

    #12192774 Reply | Quote
    Sean Tomlinson

    I don’t see an option to do as you say. Please see the attached external screenshot (https://i.imgur.com/F2Kdqni.png). This is after clicking the blue button the blue button and going through the process a second time. There seems to be no other option than to acknowledge the error message.

    Pending activation means the software waits for the user to click “Activate” button in the final step probably because the software was closed, but the email link was confirmed after some time. It should redirect you again to the final step where you only need to click that blue button and activate the software immediately :)

    #12192743 Reply | Quote
    Sean Tomlinson

    Pending activation means the software waits for the user to click “Activate” button in the final step probably because the software was closed, but the email link was confirmed after some time. It should redirect you again to the final step where you only need to click that blue button and activate the software immediately :)

    I am sorry. I went through activation again, clicked the blue button, and I see the following (in the linked screenshot). I don’t seem to be able to do anything but acknowledge the error message.

    View post on imgur.com

    #12205518 Reply | Quote
    PC Trek

    Pending activation means you have confirmed the link but still haven’t clicked the blue Activate button to activate the software.

    I am not sure if I am allowed to post an image here but I will try:
    Simple Activation Process

    Just click the blue button and the software will be activated.

    #12205536 Reply | Quote
    PC Trek

    I installed this a couple of days ago. Still no activation code. Help!

    I found the email asking me to confirm my email address in the spam folder of my webmail. When I clicked the link I was taken to a page that had the message that the email address was confirmed. Since then, nothing. The program is not activated. I tried entering my email address again, and a message appeared saying ‘pending activation’.

    Just click the blue “Activate” button shown after pending activation message and the software will be activated

    #12205583 Reply | Quote
    PC Trek

    I installed this a couple of days ago. Still no activation code. Help!

    I found the email asking me to confirm my email address in the spam folder of my webmail. When I clicked the link I was taken to a page that had the message that the email address was confirmed. Since then, nothing. The program is not activated. I tried entering my email address again, and a message appeared saying ‘pending activation’.

    Just click on the blue “Activate” button shown after pending activation message and the software will be activated!

    #12210553 Reply | Quote
    PC Trek

    I installed this a couple of days ago. Still no activation code. Help!

    I found the email asking me to confirm my email address in the spam folder of my webmail. When I clicked the link I was taken to a page that had the message that the email address was confirmed. Since then, nothing. The program is not activated. I tried entering my email address again, and a message appeared saying ‘pending activation’.

    Please click the blue ‘Activate’ button shown after ‘pending activation’ message.

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