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  • #12234366 Reply | Quote

    I have now used the program filling in a rather complicated pdf form. The program worked well, I was able to fill in the form and to print it out. Thank you!

    #12234714 Reply | Quote

    the registration key don’t work. the program says in french :
    “une erreur s’est produite lors de l’activation de votre produit.
    Contactez notre équipe support.”

    Thanks to look at this error.

    #12234738 Reply | Quote

    Error during activation:
    “An error occurred while activating your product. Please contact our support team…..”

    #12234949 Reply | Quote

    Hello! I get an error in the registry with the key they gave to activate it. I tried to open the program but again it asks for activation via the internet, I put it in but it tells me that it is already activated, but it does not let me enter the program or in test mode. When I read the other comments I see that they all have the same error. I hope this can be solved. Thanks in advance.

    #12235169 Reply | Quote

    I tried to register following the instructions but in vain… error !

    #12235181 Reply | Quote
    Gary Zeune

    Downloads, acts like it’s installing, then nothing.

    Delete dowload files.

    #12236195 Reply | Quote

    Tried to register but received a message stating the key has already been used. This is the first time I have had any trouble with software from SOS. Please fix this issue!

    #12236211 Reply | Quote

    It says 59380972 was used. :(

    #12236480 Reply | Quote

    Has the registration issue been worked out?

    #12236548 Reply | Quote

    When such a complex, problematic registration scares future buyers.
    Even the trial version can not be downloaded!

    #12236559 Reply | Quote

    Registration key worked for me, Windows 10 64 bit. Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the program run.
    They were both installed into the same folder in Program Files (x86) which is a bit of an odd way of doing things

    At the end of the install a window popped up in a browser (MS explorer 11) that wasn’t my default browser , which is a bit rude. Not sure what the behaviour would be if you didn’t have MS explorer installed.

    I was asked if I wanted perfect pdf to be the default app to open pdfs – to which I said no. But it removed my existing association of which program to open pdfs – also a bit rude.

    The progran itself seems to work very well for editing text so I can forgive the clunky install.

    #12236570 Reply | Quote

    By the way, if the number of licenses is limited, then write how much is left, and secondly, before downloading such a program, arrange contests, for example, how many squares to a 2×2 square. The answer will be 5 (1 large and 4 small).

    #12236859 Reply | Quote
    Al Jabs

    1) Product Activation Error (via Internet)
    “An error occurred while activating your product. Please contact our support team”

    2) Why aren’t you answering our questions?? Are you in error like the activation?

    #12237235 Reply | Quote

    Попробуйте сначала установить программу, запустить её, затем снова зайти на страницу загрузки, там сгенерируется другой серийный номер. Быстро скопируйте и вставьте в программу. Если не получится – попробуйте ещё раз. Сразу из программы не выходите, когда зарегистрировали – может слететь регистрация. Зайдите в настройки, что-нибудь поменяйте, сохраните. После этого можете закрыть программу.

    #12237662 Reply | Quote

    [@Андрей] so i did. Anyway errors

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 79 total)
Reply To: Reply #12237884 in Perfect PDF 9 Editor / Oct 5 2018