Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion System Mechanic / Jan 30 2017

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  • #7011321 Reply | Quote
    Pambos Georgiou

    Excellent !!!

    #7012134 Reply | Quote
    #7012523 Reply | Quote
    Rob Burt

    This version is not compatible with XP, which is what this older computer uses; is there an earlier version available?

    #7014505 Reply | Quote


    I get the same problem too – tried it with several downloaded System Mechanic.exes (4mb).

    “there was an error retreiving the installation file: Error Code [300]”

    Is the SharewhareOnSale registration for System Mechanic Pro or System Mechanic that can be downloaded from Iolo ?

    #7017119 Reply | Quote
    Billy Williams

    When I finally got it completely downloaded then it still wouldn’t install. And it still hasn’t installed the only thing got to do after in downloaded was click the next button then nothing , but my antivirus didn’t keep it from installing or downloading as I checked to try to find where it went, it shows in Program data only there isn’t any of the program anywhere else, it wouldn’t install at all and that is finally that I even got it downloaded

    #7017303 Reply | Quote

    I downloaded and ran the installer. It informed me that it will not run on Win XP or Vista, and that the “fulfillment email” will have a link for an installer for XP/Vista.

    I have received the email “Download is ready: System Mechanic | Feb 1, 2017” from SOS, but there is no link for the XP/Vista compatible version.

    Can you provide that please.
    Thank you.

    #7038600 Reply | Quote
    Daniel Beck

    [ @Ashraf] Thank you SO much! This is already making a huge difference with my Windows 10 experience!

    #7050038 Reply | Quote
    Totoliciu Dan Catalin

    Big-big thanks for free share sistem mechancic key given for me. Best site to get fully original software with no crack or no patch and of course free with no cost. Thanks again…

    #7473300 Reply | Quote
    Srikanth G

    A good software to keep computer clean and registry repaired and shred unwanted files

    #7498021 Reply | Quote
    Tomy Farkas

    Mess with Windows 10. Result: blue screen. The program is crap. I used System Mechanic 16.5 and 15.5. Avoid using with windows 10. When you want to unistall the result is a blue screen. Also mess with my internet configuration.

    #9135814 Reply | Quote

    As the months pass, your new will slow down as well. The main reason for the inevitable slowdown is the installation of loads of unnecessary applications and widgets. Manually doing the cleanup could be challenging and less effective. That is why I usually turn to tune-up application to get the job done within the shortest time possible. Having used and uninstalled PC Tools Performance and IObit Advanced SystemCare, I settled for another option, the System Mechanic. Here is my take on this system cleaner.

    System Mechanic at a glance
    Right off the bat, you will note that this cleaner has no limitation on the number of computers you can install and use the same license. I thought this was a better offer than the limitations that the two cleaners mentioned above present. However, you have to know that the license is only valid for 6 months, after which you should have decided to purchase it or not. Otherwise, installing and getting started with this application is straightforward.


    Improves your privacy
    Apart from promising to boost my startup speed, I found this program’s option to boost my privacy as I browse to be really helpful. This ability is in the Privacy Shield Suite. In this suite, you can disable a number of things like Microsoft Data Collection, Wi-Fi Sense, and SmartScreen Service. In a nutshell, this tool gives you the option to prevent Windows 10 services from snooping on your surfing habits.

    Collection of clean-up tools
    The first reason for downloading System Mechanic was to use it to enhance your computer’s speed. Indeed, it presents a wide range of options for you to detect and fix possible problems. One of the options is the Repair Now that checks for problems once you click on that button.

    You can also take advantage of this program’s PC Accelerator. This option notably increased the launch speed for the different applications I have installed on my PC. The option works by realigning your programs’ files.

    As you take advantage of the LiveBoost option to free your RAM and CPU, you could also benefit from the CRUDD Remover feature. The latter comes in handy in ensuring your system does not have any extra programs. In case of problems, the program’s explanation are usually simple to understand for you take the necessary action.


    Minimal boost on internet speeds
    System Mechanic’s array of performance boosting features is impressive. It also has the NetBooster internet-boosting tool. Right from the name, I expect this tool to blow up my download speeds only to be disappointed by its negligible improvement.

    System Mechanic comes across as a viable option for revamping your slow computer. It has more than enough options to help you achieve that fete. In the process of opting for this program, you will have to be ready to spend extra money on other features that aren’t available by default.

    #9135815 Reply | Quote
    Dennis Nelson

    If you have ever used any system optimization software, you already know what to expect from iolo System Mechanic 15. The software provides over 50 tools that you can either initiate manually or pre-configure them to automatically run in the background. Of these tools, you will get registry cleaners, windows program startup checkers, defragmentation modules and a system shield.

    User Interface

    I find the System Mechanic 15 user interface perfectly designed and easy-to-use. The functions are clearly indicated and it would only take one or two clicks to get any given function running. Easily customize the way the software works by clicking on options, which is located on the upper right side, or if you find yourself stuck, just click on help, which contains a lot of information on how to run, customize and manually update the software.

    System Tools and Their Functionality

    What separates iolo System Mechanic from other software is that it features genuinely effective tools. It scans your computer’s hard disk to locate problems and junk files –a feat it performs better than other software –and provides options for fixing these issues. Whether you want to backup your registry, defragment your system’s memory or find and delete broken shortcuts, you will find very tools that can perform better than this software.

    The software scans and locates duplicate files and is useful when you want to get rid of confidential files. It has wizards for specifically running a set software that perform a similar function. For example, the PC accelerator will run all the speed up functions while the PC clean up wizard will run all software that free space on your PC. To run all the functions in the software at once, simply launch PC TotalCare.


    Iolo System Mechanic Free offers plenty of options that are greatly help to speed up your PC. It fixes dangerous settings which helps prevent hackers from exploiting them to attack your computer. The system cleaner clears out junk files within a short time while maintaining reliability and increasing the functionality of your PC. The Pro version features additional settings and tools like the Windows tweaking tool, security tools, Windows startup optimizer and driver installation and update.


    The inclusion of a myriad of tools comes at a cost –the software is relatively slower as it consumes a lot of resources when running.


    Iolo System Mechanic is a powerful PC maintenance suite that features useful software with an aim to make your PC faster and more secure. It is definitely a must have for anybody who wishes to speed up a PC.

    Have you ever used this software? How was your experience?

    #9135817 Reply | Quote
    Steve Macintyre

    This killed Windows 10! I downloaded and installed and after running it, And making sure to turn off registry optimization, my system became extremely unstable. My start menu kept opening up, my keyboard wouldn’t work correctly. I couldn’t even type anything! Typing a letter wouldn’t make it appear in a url box, text editor..whatever. Instead it would bring up random options and menu choices. Thankfully I had a system restore point that I could go back to, but it was a ways back and it cost me about an hour off my machine. I can’t really recommend this if you have the latest version of Windows.

    #9135818 Reply | Quote

    I bought and used this program for years with no problems. Then one day I was trying to install it on a new machine and it would not complete the install. Then I tried removing the partial install and it would not. So couldn’t complete install, couldn’t remove the partial install. Called their support (for the first time ever) asking them to help me with this problem, they said sure, but it would have to be one of their MS-certified engineers and I would have to buy some kind of membership (for $300) for them to do it. I told them where they could put their “help”, luckily it was a new machine so I just wiped it and started over, and vowed to never use anything by IoLo again. So beware of this company and hope you never need any support from them if you use their software.

    #9135821 Reply | Quote

    I have used System Mechanic Pro for over a decade on many machines as I build computers. I’ve never had a problem with it. I’ve used it on WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win8.1, Win10. I understand that this is just the System Mechanic giveaway and not the Pro version so maybe that’s why there are so many complaints about it. In addition, I’ve never had an occasion to contact their support so if it is as dismal as others have stated I hope I never have to contact them.

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Reply To: Reply #9149988 in System Mechanic / Jan 30 2017