Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Ultra Office / May 12 2020

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  • #15629578 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    [ CompuClever ] gets at least 30 HITS AT VIRUSTOTAL
    for one of it’s programs,
    most of their other programs get 20+ hits at VirusTotal,
    and ESet has their own category for CompuClever program viruses!!!

    Ultra Office is a PHONE app, not a Windows program.

    So instead, I went to the web site of the vendor to see of they offer anything else that might be useful.

    I got dozens and dozens of hits at VirusTotal from everything I downloaded from CompuClever

    Nothing, repeat nothing from CompuClever is clean at VirusTotal.

    [ CompuClever. com ( GoDaddy) net ( 1&1 ) from 2010 ] supposedly working out of a domicile in BC Canada.

    What, is this a Chinese scam machine?

    They are going to give Canada a bad name!

    And they are going to give SOS a bad name.

    Does anybody check this stuff before dumping it on SOS users?

    And, again, it’s a PHONE app, not a Windows program, so it’s not even downloadable directly from SOS where SOS could scan the offering for safety.

    I report this because I care and because I want SOS and SOS users to have the best, only.

    #15650501 Reply | Quote
    Noel Rodrigue

    Hum … I tried asking a question two days ago and it seems it went to the bit bucket.
    Here goes again: I understand what you are both saying, but does LibreOffice recover/save from and to as many filetypes as UltraOffice?

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Reply To: Reply #15613185 in Ultra Office / May 12 2020