Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion VEGAS Movie Studio 14 / Feb 27 2018

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  • #10513419 Reply | Quote

    So, a Giveaway of a 6 month version. The funny party… “No updates”. Thanks, I deleted it with pleasure.

    #10514212 Reply | Quote

    I can’t make a register it

    #10515392 Reply | Quote

    Oops…took it before seeing it’s only a 6 months licence.

    Well, in that case, I don’t wanna waste my time with it, so I give it back.

    SoS link : https://sharewareonsale.com/file/?token=aHR0cHM6Ly9kb3dubG9hZHMuc2hhcmV3YXJlb25zYWxlLmNvbS9maWxlcy9odWIvc2hhcmV3YXJlb25zYWxlLmNvbS9TaGFyZXdhcmVPblNhbGVfR2l2ZWF3YXlfVkVHQVNfTW92aWVfU3R1ZGlvXzE0X2h1Yi5leGU%3D&product_id=10286045&cachethis=1

    Serial : P3-77396-61331-31766-03439-73142-59410

    Have a good day !

    #10516580 Reply | Quote
    David B

    No, I’m not going to allow some random site to install who knows what SW on my computer before I can even download the app, and why should I submit to this?:

    “Please read carefully: By clicking the button above, you agree to set your home, new tab page and your default search to thereadinghub.com, while also accepting and agreeing to abide by the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. ”

    Please don’t try stunts like this.

    #10517323 Reply | Quote

    On February 8th, 2018 (just 19 days ago), we were offered version 13 of Vegas Movie Studio. The heading for today’s offer states that this is version 14 of Vegas Movie Studio, however the URL has the same 13 in it, and the Featured Review is still for version 13. It seems a bit surprising that we would have an opportunity to have the next full version so soon, so I went back to see what specifics I noticed from the previous offer. The first thing that stood out was that the version 13 is a lifetime license, while this version 14 is a license for 6 months. Also, version 13 is for commercial and non-commercial, but this version 14 is for non-commercial only. As far as features added since version 13, each new versions adds some impressive features, but often, not ones that everyone would need. There does not seem to be anything that entices me to destroy my lifetime license so that I can effectively “try” the new features for 6 months. For me, I would rather get what I can out of version 13, then purchase the introductory edition of version 15 at only $49, or one of the higher priced editions that also have more features.

    This is one of the better editors on the market for small operations, and they even offer some very high end editors as well, which ends up being a big plus. Why? Because, from developing the higher end editors, MAGIX has come up with some great solutions that are in turn incorporated back into their more introductory editions. Thus, you get more features in the introductory line, however competition is never far behind, so there are some great alternatives always popping up.

    #10517632 Reply | Quote

    Прекрасный дисконт. Благодарю за шару! Весьма приятно)

    #10518456 Reply | Quote

    I’ve downloaded Movie Studio 14 and entered the registration info, I’m now being asked for info, which I completed, on the activation registration form and that’s as far as I get because I keep getting error 15?

    #10518604 Reply | Quote

    I keep getting my registration problems questions/problems removed, why, instead of answers?

    #10522804 Reply | Quote

    I’ve downloaded and entered the provided serial # but now I’m encountering activation registration part which I’ve filled out but there’s no way to initiate the registration? Does this mean that the limited number of licenses have run out?

    #10527216 Reply | Quote

    Where can I find serial #?

    #10532550 Reply | Quote

    The best program very good. Thank you

    #10532551 Reply | Quote

    The best program for beginner video edittor

    #10532552 Reply | Quote

    It’s good for the person who want to study or practice video editor.

    #10532977 Reply | Quote


    #10535350 Reply | Quote

    Good Job.!

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Reply To: Reply #12620479 in VEGAS Movie Studio 14 / Feb 27 2018