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Download The All-in-One CompTIA Certification Prep Courses Bundle Now
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Decode Your IT Career & Pass Fundamental CompTIA Certifications with 153+ Hours of Prep Content on ITF+, A+, Security, Network, Linux, and Much More

Foundational IT Skills to Prep You for the CompTIA ITF+ Exam
CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) is an introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills that help professionals decide if a career in IT is right for them. You will gain a comprehensive introduction to essential IT concepts, starting with the basics of computing, including hardware, software, and operating systems. They will explore IT infrastructure, covering networking, cloud computing, and core infrastructure components. The course also delves into software development principles and programming fundamentals, alongside an overview of database concepts and structures. It also helps organizations prepare non-technical teams for digital transformation. In this course, you will learn the concepts and expertise necessary for IT roles and prepare you to pass the CompTIA ITF+ certification exam.
4.4/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What you’ll learn

Access 81 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Set up a computer workstation running Windows & use basic software applications
Understand the functions & types of devices used within a computer system
Apply basic computer maintenance & support principles
Understand some principles of software & database development
Configure computers & mobile devices to connect to home networks and the internet
Identify security issues affecting the use of computers & networks

Target audience

Students considering a career in IT
Professionals working in fields that require a broad understanding of IT
Marketing, sales, and operations staff in IT-based organizations

NOTE: You won’t get an official CompTIA certificate upon completion of this course. It’s only designed to help you prepare for the CompTIA ITF Exam. You need to take and pass the exam to get certified.
Sanket   ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
“This is a good experience for a beginner person to [learn] how to all components to work by I/O.!”SpecsImportant Details

Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
Access options: desktop & mobile
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Experience level required: all levels
Certificate of Completion ONLY
Updates included
Closed captioning NOT available 
NOT downloadable for offline viewing 
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Any device with basic specifications

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