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How to Break Into the World’s Hottest, Fastest-Growing Job In 4 Quick Courses

Today, with the digitization of everything, 80% of the data being created is unstructured. Organizations are turning to natural language processing (NLP) technology to develop an understanding of these unstructured data sets. NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that gives computers the ability to understand human speech as it is spoken. In this course, you’ll get an introduction to this powerful tool and understand how to use it to make sense of data.

Access 41 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
Gain an understanding of how to use the Natural Language Tool Kit
Load & manipulate your own text data
Learn how to formulate solutions to text-based problems
Understand when it is appropriate to apply solutions such as sentiment analysis & classification techniquesSpecsImportant Details

Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
Access options: web and mobile
Certification of completion included
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Experience level required: beginner
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Internet required

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