Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion IObit Driver Booster 5 PRO / Jan 20 2018

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  • #10146958 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about IObit Driver Booster 5 PRO? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than IObit Driver Booster 5 PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with IObit Driver Booster 5 PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #10149208 Reply | Quote
    Gert Empacher

    I like this app,thanks

    #10150615 Reply | Quote

    IObit pilote Booster est un très bon logiciel pour téléchargement des mises à jour des pilotes.

    #10150681 Reply | Quote
    George Kapos

    Hi there. I have just downloaded the “Iobit driver booster 5 pro” but I can not install it. I have Windows 10 with 8GB memory and a lot of free space on my disk.
    I need your help and I thank you.

    #10151954 Reply | Quote
    Adjal Kadda

    J’avais Iobit Driver version 3 et je pense que la version 5 pro valait d’être téléchargée. C’est très utile d’autant plus qu’il est gratuit.
    Je vous remercie chaleureusement de penser aux démunis donc bravo peu de gens le font actuellement.
    Thank you

    #10155103 Reply | Quote
    Briana Wicce

    [ @Ashraf] I would like to hug all of you at SOS but it is not possible so… Thank you, thank you, thank you! This gift is awesome!

    #10156288 Reply | Quote
    Atmani amine

    merçi boucoup pour vos cadeaux.

    #10156729 Reply | Quote

    хорошая программа. пользуюсь часто,пока не подводила. Спасибо разработчикам.

    #10157933 Reply | Quote

    Hi there. I have just downloaded the “Iobit driver booster 5 pro” but I can not install it. I have Windows 10 with 4GBRAM memory and 169GB free space on my disk.
    I need your help and I thank you.

    #10158247 Reply | Quote
    Adonai MOUZITA


    J’aurais souhaité que le programme permette de garder une copie EXE, MSI, ou ZIP du pilote téléchargé, parceque l’option de sauvegarde des pilotes téléchargés est disponible mais les fichiers qui y sont stockés sont illisibles sinon inutilisables sans l’application. Cette restriction n’est pas à votre avantage.

    #10158491 Reply | Quote

    Excellent logiciel pratique et facil d’utilisation merci beaucoup.

    #10158619 Reply | Quote
    Oliveira, Leandro

    Nowadays Windows Update technology almost makes these programs unnecessary! In addition to being IOBIT, tests have proved that they are practically “placebos”! They weigh in the system, causing damage to the PC, locking and often being necessary to format them!

    #10159055 Reply | Quote

    Thanks for the app , have been waiting for 5.2 version

    #10159180 Reply | Quote

    Using IObit Driver Booster for more than 5 years. Quit depandable and useful application. No problems at all if it is used properly with common sense. With time new versions not only improved in features and larger database but also faster in speed. Highly recommended for updating and keeping a backup of drivers at best. If added the boot restore function this program would become certainly a industry leader in its category. Please consider it for future versions as millions of fans would be added to IObit portfolio. Thanks IObit and sharewareonsale for this this offer, its great. Thanks Ashraf, keep up the good work.

    #10159942 Reply | Quote

    Thanks, i like it. ^^

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Reply To: IObit Driver Booster 5 PRO / Jan 20 2018