Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion MSD Organizer / Aug 31 2018

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  • #11984710 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about MSD Organizer? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than MSD Organizer, post it here! If you know of issues with MSD Organizer, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #11984988 Reply | Quote
    Scott James

    Hails to this not be completely selfishware (tech support is offered). This looks good, I might buy this. Hey Sharewareonsale.com, if you ever start using anti-adblockers on your site, I am blacklisting you. Starting to see this all over. The Tor Browser along with Aguard (installed as an app) will stop the anti-adblockers.

    #11986264 Reply | Quote
    C Carranca

    Downloaded, installed, starting … but …
    my Win 10 Pro answered with the following message:

    Unable to execute file:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSD_Soft\MSDOrganizer\MSDOrganizer.exe
    CreateProcess failed; code 5.
    Acesso negado. (access denied)

    Any idea?

    B Rgds

    #11987342 Reply | Quote

    Download: SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_MSD_Organizer_hub.exe


    The download link for MSD Organizer is given to you above. The download is an exclusive SharewareOnSale installer with registration built-in. Download and install MSD Organizer. After install, run MSD Organizer and enjoy! There is no need to register it because we register it for you automatically when you download from us.

    Be sure to leave a nice comment if you like this offer or ask for help if you have any trouble.

    Enjoy this giveaway? We have more gifts for you at SharewareOnSale — check it out!

    Hello folks!
    I downloaded MSD and installed as shown above. But it seems to be the free version I received. The music and photo directory do not works. So I wonder ..
    With thanks in advance,

    #11987766 Reply | Quote

    Tried to install & get ‘EAccessViolation in Module Sharewareonsale_Giveaway_MSD_Organizer_Hub.exe’

    #11990628 Reply | Quote

    Looks like an interesting program but unfortunately all the features that I would be interested in trying are crippled in this give away so I will have to give it a pass.

    #11990629 Reply | Quote
    faris ali

    i want to add my languege ( arabic ) . how? thank you.

    #11987468 Reply | Quote

    Hello Ásgeir, as reported (maybe not at the time you saw it?) in the description page https://sharewareonsale.com/s/free-msd-organizer-100-discount:
    This is a sponsored version exclusively for SharewareOnSale which contains the most important modules of the program (Calendar, Contacts, Alarms, Tasks, Cards and Diary) but does not include modules for Mail, Property, Budget, Health, Music, Network messages, Complete History and News.

    So it seems normal to me that you can’t access to Music. Don’t forget that SOnS allows software creators to make their product known and tried, and this leads natureally to buy some other (or enhanced) products of their own.
    At least you can check this suits you and installs correctly on your system! And most often you get functionalities you would have to pay for.

    HTH, M.

    #12001949 Reply | Quote
    Clear sky

    the installation went without any problems
    thank you very much, received the program, when only to understand it? here learned that many functions are cut, it is a pity. no additional packages with different languages.

    #12071348 Reply | Quote
    Elis Sc

    After I’ve downloaded this installer from the link, if the offer ends, I can still download the program from the installer and install it whenever I want. Or should I download the program and install it before the offer ends? If I then want to reinstall it, I can do it by having the installer SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_MSD_Collections_hub.exe or just have the download of MSD Collections.exe downloaded from the installer above?

    #12071436 Reply | Quote
    Elis Sc

    After I’ve downloaded this installer from the link, if the offer ends, I can still download the program from the installer and install it whenever I want. Or should I download the program and install it before the offer ends? If I then want to reinstall it, I can do it by having the installer SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_MSD_Collections_hub.exe or just have the download of MSD Collections.exe downloaded from the installer above?

    It’s a pity that it’s incomplete. I like to have the budget module. The others modules aren’t useful to me.

    #12172280 Reply | Quote
    Levis Allain

    Bon programme,mais une traduction en français serais bien.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
Reply To: MSD Organizer / Aug 31 2018