Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Wise Duplicate Finder Pro / Sep 11 2018 Reply To: Wise Duplicate Finder Pro / Sep 11 2018

#12079368 Quote

[@Duplicate joe] That was funny. However, believe it or not, some people have been looking for a duplicate file finder — for a hopefully limited part of their lives. I’m one of them.

I’m testing this one right now. A few remarks for the time being :

It’s high DPI non-compatible in a small and limited way, but still. The “Menu” menu (another small quirk) has a very tiny font, once the program has been set to high DPI mode by ticking the “Disable Display Scaling on High DPI Settings” box in “Properties”. The rest is OK, as far as I can see.

Also, the interface for selecting the folders to deduplicate is quite primitive.