Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion EasySpeech2Text PRO / Sep 10 2019 Reply To: EasySpeech2Text PRO / Sep 10 2019

#14342606 Quote

My feedback:

Text to speech seemed to work very well

Speech to text – my first try gave the error:
Error code: UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_RATE, please contact the support team or try other modes.
I was using mode 2

It worked on mode 1 (it would be nice to know what the different modes are??)
The text was hopeless, but I felt that maybe I needed to be closer to microphone when recording.

Second try of speech to text I got
Error: Audio file is too large!
The file was only 2meg

Third try – I used a much clearer recording but the result was still useless. Lots of wrong words and it seems to have no idea that a pause is the end of a sentence.

conclusion: will not work for me.

What dictionary is it using? What if you want to record medical notes for example. Can you teach it the medical terms (which I assume aren’t in your standard dictionary)?

I have not tried Google API and probably won’t as it requires a credit card (yes I know they won’t charge but they still require a credit card)

When opening a file from your PC, it doesn’t remember the last folder you used. (It would be useful if it did or let you set a default folder)

When you load a new mp3 it doesn’t clear the text off the screen from the previous file.

On this page on your website
easyspeech2text.com /Tutorial
you have
Advacned setting for speech to text
it should be