Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Photolemur 3 / Oct 7 2019 Reply To: Photolemur 3 / Oct 7 2019

#14452253 Quote

I did install this, and it shows that it is version 1.1.0, which is the same version I already had, although this one has more options than what I had installed. I still find nowhere to enter the serial number, though. If you haven’t tried this software, it is a nice addition to an image editing toolbox, but won’t replace your image editor. It’s nice, though, for photos that need dehazing or increasing saturation, but not a lot more. I wasn’t able to install the plugin to Photoshop, though. It allows me to browse for Photoshop, but when I navigate to the Plugins folder, it wants to open an .exe file, rather than installing the plugin. Suppose I could just add a shortcut to Photolemur executable . . . .